Hello joe, How are you?> > I'm Razan Aukat. I want to tell you about my country. Palestine its a great > country and we have beautiful places but we can't visit it because Israel > occupation.> > thats all,> > Razan"> > > > "Hello Joe,> > I am Amneh. I love Palestine and I live in Palestine. Palestine was a > beautiful, now palestine not a beautiful Because the Israel built the > settlement in Palestine.> > Finally I want to free palestine"> > > >
"Message for Joe> > Joe> > How are you? My nams ola I from palestine I like people in Abu Dees I love > family The people in palestiion very a lot.> > Thank you very muth"> > > > Dear Joe:> > I am sajida Abdalla Auraiba I want to till you about the situalion in > palestineto your study, that is so bad because we have occupation from all the > countries, the government of Israel they put checkpoints from all countries. > The occupation is control of us as they say we are undecontrol.> > I want to say we need natural peace to live safety,> > "> > > >
"Joe,> > My name is Sabreen I from in Palistion I live verry hard no mony the people > no many on palistion."> > > >
"Hello Joe:> > I'm Besan Bader from Palestine and I want world peace because our situation > is very difficult.> > > > Baesn"> > > > "Hi joe, how are you? My name is Ala'a, I want to tell you about our > situation here in Palestine. We can't move freely in our small country, > thatreally hurt us, there is a checkpoints everywhere but some people cant > reach a beautiful places because of Israel occupation."> > > >
Hello Joe:> > I'm Shefa'a Mohsen, I'm from Abu - Dees in Palestine.> > Palestine is very nice place but the life here is so hard and badly. We > can't move to any place we want.> > I hope to my contry be in peace.> > Best wishes to you"> > > >
Dear> > Hey Joe I'm Hayal. nice to know about your life from your mother I love your > specialise subjects at university its nice and if you want to know the > situation i told you it very bad and difficult cuz the easrail prevent us to > move fromcity to other I realy want to meet you told you everything maybe I > come to London and meet to tell you the situation her> > goodbye"> > > >
"Hello Joe> > I'm Dreen Mufreh from palesten and I want to tell you about palistine we have > dificultsituation in our country we can't move to other cities it's a tragic > situation seriously there's checkpoints everywhere and they prevent us pass > thankyou Joe I wish to you to comeand to see situation.> > peace world> > Daryn"> > > >
"RazanAyynd> > The Palestine is buteful but the is Isra'eel They make or homes so ...?> > the situation is very bad in palestin bcous isra'eel.> > The people in palestine cant move becous the wall is very taller and the wall > is not Al wode in Alaqsa mosq and the dome of the rock" (I think she means the > wall prevents them visiting the mosque in Jerusalem )> > > >
"Hello Joe> > I am Aseal from Plaestine. I want to till you about the situation in > Palestine. It is very bad because we have ocupation that us control all the > country pleas send the messeg to student in Oxford> > Aseel"
الجمعة، 7 نوفمبر 2008
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