السبت، 10 مارس 2012

- 10/03/2012 Dar Assadaqa Saturday

Today many of the kids were at school because they had an extra day off a week or so

ago. However a healthy and manageable number turned up. A couple of us (the

volunteers) made Mothers Day cards using coloured card, paper and felt tip pens. We

also helped some of the older boys to improve their reading English skills by asking

them to read aloud to us and then correcting their mistakes. I feel exhausted after

spending most of the morning playing football with the boys (or ‘shabab’ in Arabic!). It

was hard to make sure everyone was included because some people are goal

hoggers! You can’t blame them though, all of the boys playing either supports Real

Madrid or Barcelona. So naturally they see themselves as their favourite strikers,

either Messi or Christiano, Ronaldo depending on your politics!

In the afternoon we played chess and did some English conversation with a couple of

the older boys. Most of the young ones went home so the 3 that were left played

games on the computer.

The weather was also nice and hot. Palestinian weather is truly unpredictable. Only

last week there was snowfall in Abu Dis and the snow even settled in Jerusalem!

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